
While the dictionary defines identity as a distinguishing character or personality of an individual, a Christian’s identity is less about who they are in themselves but who God is and the life he has called them to live. When one becomes a Christian that person is given a new identity which is referred to in the Bible as being “in Christ.” Paul writes in the Bible that “If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (II Corinthians 5:17) The “new” that Paul refers to is one’s new identity in Christ which is informed by what God thinks of us and who he says we are. Being a Christian means that one is an adopted son or daughter of God who is eternally forgiven, accepted, valued, and loved by him. As a believer in Jesus one can have an eternal destiny and forgiveness free from sin. This does not mean though that Christians are to remain static. The life and journey of a Christian is designed by God to be a process of continuous change and growth to reach the ultimate goal: to become like Jesus, a goal that will only be fully fulfilled in heaven. In comparison with other spiritual beliefs, "Spiritual Christians" are not seeking to be self-actualized but to be "Christ Actualized".

How to Become a Christian - David Jeremiah Blog

We are developing a post on Identity and Spirituality. Email for more information.

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