GSCare Topics

Dr. Reimer's Seven Principles:

Identity: (Link to Definition) Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Identity Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • Your identity in Christ is the foundation of a healthy soul. Who you are determines how you behave. What you believe about yourself influences your level of maturity, peace, and soul health.

Repentance: Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Repentance Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • You must repent and receive the forgiveness of God in order to be free. Secrets rob you of soul health. When you confess, but still carry around shame in your soul, it is toxic to your well-being. It isn’t enough to know you are forgiven; you must experience release.

Breaking Family Sin Patterns: Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • Family sin patterns have an unusual pull on your lives.  They are hard to break. You must deal with them severely before they deal severely with you.

Forgiving Others: (Link to ecourse) Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • You need to forgive those who sin against you. The single greatest mark of maturity is the capacity to love your enemies. Bitter roots create weeds in the garden of your soul. They must be uprooted before you can be healthy

Healing Hurts: Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • Unprocessed wounds leave you with festering soul sores.  You need the healing presence of Jesus to free you from the ill effects of your soul wounds.

Overcoming Fears: Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • The people of God make more mistakes in times of fear than any other time. This is why the number one command of scripture is “fear not.” You must overcome your fears to be spiritually healthy

Breaking Demonic Strongholds: Rob Reimer's Reflections on the Chapter in his book Soul Care

  • We have a real spiritual enemy who can get a foothold in our lives. You need the power of God to free you from his grip and deliver you so that you can have a healthy soul

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Reimer, R., Dr. (2016). Soul Care Principles. In Soul Care 7 Transformational Principles for a Healthy Soul (pp. 32-33). Franklin, Tennessee: Carpenters Son Pub.

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